Saturday, October 23, 2010

What is the best advice you could give a new nurse?

Regarding unseen challenges and dealing with doctors.What is the best advice you could give a new nurse?
As far as unforseen challenges, that will lessen as you gain more experience. Dealing with doctors is tricky. Try to gather all of the pertinant info ie: vital signs, o2 saturation, how long has this problem been going on.... then bring your info to the doc and explain what your concerns are and what your findings are to substantiate your diagnosis or concerns. If the doc starts getting too short with you, stand your ground and remind him/her that you are a new nurse and need a little more time to determine pt normals, etc. Good luck.
Do it naked.
Marry a doctor, and retire!
My best advice is to look around until you find a hospital that works for you and has a staff you get along with. The nusing shortage affords you the ability to shop around before taking a big sign on bonus and signing a contract.
patience with the doctors...empathy with the patients learn to take a deep breath and will have to do that a few times a day.

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